Wraparound Care
Our school aims to provide support for families beyond the school day. Please email wraparound@launcestonprimary.uk to book breakfast or after-school clubs.
Breakfast Club (Session 1)- Monday to Friday 7.30am-8.45am (£3 per session).
Afterschool Club (Session 2) - Monday to Friday 3.15pm-4.15pm (£3 per session, or £1 for FSM Families).
Afterschool Club (Session 3) - Monday to Friday 4.15pm-5.30pm (£4 per session).
Afterschool Club Example:
Monday - Music Club
Tuesday - Bike Club
Wednesday - Forest School / Gardening Club
Thursday - Arts and Crafts Club
Friday - Disco Club
Every day of the week, we offer a different themed activity in our afterschool clubs, and every half-term, we switch things up to reflect our children’s interests and spark new passions.
Some info:
* All of these clubs include a small snack and a drink.
* Children need to be picked up at the organised time.
*There is a discretionary sibling rate.
Childcare Choices - Tax Free Childcare:
We are registered with Childcare Choices - Tax Free Childcare as a method of payment. Please click here for more information.
Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme to support working parents with childcare costs.
You can apply for this via the link: https://www.childcarechoices.gov.uk/
You will just need your:
• National Insurance number
• Details of one or more of the following – your UK Passport, tax credits, P60 or a recent payslip.
In most cases, you’ll be told straight away if your application is successful. In some cases, HMRC may need to do some additional checks to confirm whether you’re eligible.
When you apply for Tax-Free Childcare, you’ll be given a unique reference number for your child. You need to give this number to us so that we can match your payments to your child. You can find this in your welcome pack by clicking the ‘Secure messages’ link on your account homepage.
If you are already signed up to Tax-Free Childcare, you will just need to add Launceston Primary School to your childcare account by clicking on the 'Your Tax-Free Childcare account' link on your account homepage.
Please contact Mrs Ellis for more information if you are having trouble booking and would like to book a place.